IntentIQ Glossary

The following describes various terms relevant to the IntentIQ solution and the arena in which it operates.



Cost Per Mille, where Mille means one thousand in Latin, is a common advertising metric that represents the cost an advertiser pays for one thousand impressions or views of their ad. It's a measure of the price of ad space or the efficiency of an advertising campaign.


A Demand-Side Platform is a technology platform used by advertisers and agencies to purchase and manage digital advertising inventory. DSPs enable advertisers to target specific audiences, set bids for ad impressions, and optimize their advertising campaigns across various channels and websites.


IDs (also called User IDs) refer to the user identity or user profile that segments people according to various criteria for advertising, such as by location or demographics (population attaches, such as age, gender, income, education, marital status and so on). See User Profile.

· User ID: Think of it as your personal username or ID on a specific website or app. It's like your name in that particular place. For example, on Facebook, your User ID is unique to your Facebook account.

· EID (Ecosystem Identifier): This is like a universal ID that works across different websites and apps. It's not tied to one specific place. It's used in the world of online advertising to recognize you across various websites and platforms, even if you're not logged in or using a different username on each site.




Specifies the quantity of queries handled by the Bid Enhancement service per second.


Prebid is an open-source header bidding solution for publishers and ad agencies. It enables them to optimize your ad inventory and maximize revenue by facilitating real-time programmatic ad placement auctions among multiple demand partners. See for more information.


Revenue Per Mille is a metric that calculates the revenue a publisher earns for everyone thousand impressions of an ad. It measures the actual earnings generated by ad inventory.


A Supply-Side Platform is a technology platform used by publishers and website owners to manage and optimize the sale of their digital advertising inventory. It is like a virtual marketplace for website owners and app developers. It helps publishers connect with multiple ad exchanges and demand-side platforms (DSPs) to maximize ad performance.

User Profile

ID identification, as mentioned in the text, refers to the process of identifying user profiles or specific individuals within a digital environment.

User profiles typically refer to collections of data and information associated with individual users or individuals interacting within a digital environment. These profiles can include various details such as:

· Demographics: Information about the user's age, gender, location, and other demographic characteristics.

· Behavior: Data on the user's online behavior, including websites visited, pages viewed, and actions taken.

· Preferences: User preferences, such as their interests, product preferences, or content preferences.

· Interaction History: A record of past interactions with a website or application, including purchases, clicks, or interactions with ads.

· Device Information: Details about the devices used by the user, including device type, operating system, and screen size.

· Cookies or IDs: Unique identifiers associated with the user, such as cookies, device IDs, or login credentials.

These user profiles are often used for various purposes, including personalized content recommendations, targeted advertising, and understanding user behavior to improve the user experience.

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