What is IntentIQ Bid Enhancement?

IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement for cookieless monetization provides new streams of revenue for publishers, video platforms and exchanges. IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement fills in the gaps of missing SSP and DSP IDs associated with your ad space to provide immediate results that include increased revenue, CPM, and fill rate. It lifts revenue by 20%-30% overall and enables you to regain lost revenue from cookieless inventory.

Addressability At Scale

IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement has match rates of 92% – 97% accuracy with ID coverage of over 80%. It is currently serving 2B+ cookieless impressions per day across 80,000+ sites.

IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement service provides ad space sellers with their partners' DSP and SSP IDs in the ~40% of bids where no cookie IDs are in place, resulting in a 20% to 30% revenue increase.

Monetizing Cookieless Inventory

IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement provides missing SSP and DSP demand IDs in cookieless bid requests. It matches all your DSP and SSP partner IDs in real-time. IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement is powered by IntentIQ IDs, which is backed by 150 US-granted patents for our identity resolution technology.

Powered by its signature Identity Device Graph, IntentIQ offers a suite of solutions specifically designed for the demise of the third-party cookie and MAID, which enables cross-app, cross-site, and cross-device targeting and attribution in a privacy-friendly fashion. IntentIQ is able to create and maintain an accurate real-time map of devices, their users’ identities, and the relations among the devices.

Increased Ad Revenue from Other Ad Auction Platforms

Prebid.js, Google’s Ad Exchange (ADX) and Amazon Publisher Services (APS) are all bidding solutions that your web platform may use to conduct real-time ad auctions.

This guide describes how to integrate IntentIQ Bid Enhancement into Prebid, and how to use IIQ Universal ID as a PPID for Google/ADX demand. Naturally, you might wonder, “Why would I expect an uplift in revenue from APS when I’m only integrating IntentIQ into Prebid and ADX?”.

The answer is that an auction is like a competition, which, in this case, may involve three key players – Prebid, ADX, and APS. When Prebid uses the ID information received from IntentIQ, it may bid higher to win an auction and display an impression to a specific user because that type of user is more interesting than an anonymous type of user.

Here’s the win! This increased Prebid bid may prompt other auction participants (APS) to bid higher in order to win the impression instead of Prebid, thus increasing the bids of all players and your ad revenue as a result.

Quick and Easy Integration

Integration entails one-tag implementation supporting Prebid (header bidding), JS, or RTB Server-side integration.

IntentIQ Bid Enhancement provides an object that you can initialize in any of your web pages. This object retrieves user IDs, either from IntentIQ's local storage (if available on the web server) or through the Bid Enhancement API, ensuring comprehensive ID coverage. Once IntentIQ obtains these IDs, they are seamlessly integrated into bid requests sent to the Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs) action and, subsequently, Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs), providing you with significant ad performance uplift.

IntentIQ's Dashboard

The IntentIQ Agent operates non-stop to oversee all aspects of Prebid user identity. IntentIQ's dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your advertising campaigns and performance metrics. It provides a wide variety of options for monitoring your digital advertising efforts and provides valuable insights to help you make data-driven decisions and achieve your advertising goals. See IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement Dashboard at https://be.intentiq.com/login


IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement employs a performance-based model based on revenue sharing from the incremental revenue it generates for you.

IntentIQ’s Bid Enhancement provides a transparent and clear measurement of its value proposition with two kinds of ongoing objective A/B tests.

Last updated