6.04 (June 2nd, 2024)

Intent IQ continuously develops and improves the prebid JS agent responsible for resolving the bidder IDs and unlocking the publisher's cookieless inventory.

  1. Performance Optimization We have effectively reduced the IIQ Agent's initialization and configuration time, resulting in a substantial enhancement compared to ver 5.x. This can improve win rates and scalability

  2. GPP Support The GPP protocol is designed to streamline the transmission of privacy, consent, and consumer choice signals from sites and apps to ad tech providers; it enables advertisers, publishers, and technology vendors in the digital advertising industry to adapt to regulatory demands across markets. This version supports accepting GPP consent signals from the websites and acting upon them to maintain the user's privacy and privacy choices of the user as well as adding support for some non-standard real-life cases we encountered

  3. Chrome User Agent Hints synchronization Client Hints offer a more privacy-preserving and efficient way to obtain user browser information. Instead of relying on the traditional User-Agent (UA) string, which can be intricate and privacy-invasive, these hints provide a standardized approach for browsers to share relevant details with servers Here are some key points about User-Agent Client Hints:

  • User-Agent Client Hints allow developers to actively request information about the user’s device or conditions without parsing it from the UA string. This is a step toward eventually reducing the granularity of the User-Agent string.

  • Privacy Considerations: While the UA string has served important purposes over the years, it has also accumulated additional details and historical artifacts. The sheer diversity of possible values in the UA string could allow individual users to be uniquely identified. User-Agent Client Hints aim to strike a balance between functionality and privacy.

  • Header Format Change: Since Chrome 90, the header format for User-Agent Client Hints has changed. Accept-CH tokens must now exactly match the returned headers.

  • Deprecation of Cookies in Chrome: As cookies face upcoming deprecation in Chrome, User-Agent Client Hints serve as crucial infrastructure for maintaining coverage and improving user experiences This version enables deploying the Intent IQ JS on Chrome for User Agent Hints sync without activating Bid Enhancement service.

  1. Win Reports Support for GAM (Google Ad Manager) With this new version, you can now send the win reports via your Google Ad Manager (GAM) platform. This enables the dashboard reporting capabilities to extend from Prebid to a holistic view of your performance.

  2. Cookie Sync via JS introduces an alternative way to perform a cookie sync with the IIQ server. In cases where HTTP cookie sync occasionally fails, you can use JS for a more robust sync in these integrations.

  3. Browser Detection Optimization: This release optimizes browser detection and fixes issues where Edge and Opera might be detected incorrectly, such as in Chrome.

  4. Win Report Supports Encrypted CPM You can now report CPM securely encrypted. Please contact our Support team to establish the appropriate protocol to activate this functionality.

  5. Precision EIDs provisioning Publishers can now seamlessly filter EIDs provided to Prebid adapters, offering precise control over the data shared with your advertising partners. This new capability empowers you to refine your targeting strategies and ensure that only the most relevant EIDs are shared with specific adapters, enhancing the efficiency of your advertising campaigns. By selectively filtering EIDs, you can optimize your ad inventory and tailor your advertising.

  6. Critical Security Updates Following advancements in JavaScript hacking, we conducted vulnerability tests to identify and address sensitive areas where JavaScript might be exposed. This version includes enhanced Crypto-JS, addressing potential cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, malicious code execution, and securing against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. The new version was validated by the GitHub security system and got approval.

  7. Enhanced support for Webpack configurations In some cases, we encountered incompatibility issues with certain JavaScript and HTML packaging methods. This caused errors during client initialization and prevented the service from operating correctly. The service runs more smoothly in this new version by extending support to major Webpacks.

  8. Optimization of the BrowserBlackList (now vrBrowserBlackList) logic The logic for deciding which browsers receive the service was optimized to decrease script delay, ultimately increasing the ID response rate.

Last updated