Why Report Impressions Resulting from AdX and APS Actions?

Although IntentIQ directly contributes only to Prebid, its influence extends to Google Ad Exchange (AdX) and Amazon Publisher Services (APS) due to competitive dynamics. When Prebid receives real-time ID information from IntentIQ, it often bids higher for anonymous profiles (IDs), prompting AdX and APS to raise their bids to secure the impression, thereby creating an uplift across all three platforms.

Reporting these impressions is highly recommended and is, therefore the default setting. It ensures better accuracy, reduces discrepancies, and allows us to measure our solution's impact more precisely.

The biddingPlatformId field within the impression reporting function (reportExternalWin) represents the winning auction integration type: 1 – Prebid, 2 – Amazon, 3 – Google AdX or 4 – ORTB.

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