6️[Optional] Set Up PPID

Publisher-provided identifiers (PPID) are only available for Google Ad Manager 360 accounts

If you are using Google Ad Exchange Publisher Provided Identifier (AdX-PPID). You can perform the following to enable IntentIQ Bid Enhancement to leverage IntentIQ’s universal ID for increased Google AdX revenue for cookie-less inventory.

The following describes extracting the PPID from the JSON response and invoking it into Google bid requests to provide an additional uplift in AdX inventory revenue.

To set up GAM 360 PPID –

1. Add the following code to extract the intentiq.com ID value.

Add the following code to extract the intentiq.com ID value from the IntentIQ JSON and include this Google PPID in the JSON response that our code triggers upon the callback function.

Position this code on the page after IntentIQ has retrieved and provided the IDs. The callback method is an excellent place to put it.

//Extract the 'intentiq.com' value from our JSON.
                function extractIIQ_ID(json) {
                 const eids = json.eids;
                 for (let i = 0; i < eids.length; i++) {
                   const eid = eids[i];
                   if (eid.source === "intentiq.com") {
                     const uids = eid.uids;
                     for (let j = 0; j < uids.length; j++) {
                     const uid = uids[j];
                     if (uid.ext.stype === "ppuid") {
                     return uid.id;
              return null; // Return null if no matching "id" value is found
var ppid = extractIIQ_ID(intentIq_123123.getIntentIqData());
// now set the IIQ Universal ID as your Adx PPID

2. Replace the variable intentIq_123123.

Replace the variable intentIq_123123 with the one you've created on your page using your token ID. This ensures clarity on the page and avoids confusion if other IntentIQ clients are hosted on the same page. Coding your object with the token ID name prevents collisions between IntentIQ objects.

3. Replace googletag.pubads with the name you used.


You are now ready to use IntentIQ Bid Enhancement.

Last updated